Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vive le quebec ostie...

I never realized how quebecois I was until recently. A few weeks back, I finally met another Quebecois person (i was here for 4 months, i haven't met one until then, just bloody frenchies from France!) and I was ecstatic! It felt good to speak in "bon quebecois". Speaking in French (with frenchies made me replace words from Quebecois to French.. hollible like the French say), talk about how awesome Montreal was with the food, festivals, summer and all. Over the weekend, I met yet ANOTHER quebecois girl, and I was even more excited because of the rarity! Then the full fledge quebecois came back, franglais, poutine, maudite marde, ostie de tabarnak viarge, saying how Laval is a black hole for direction you name it. It felt so, natural. We were such a great duo at promoting Montreal that they were wondering if we were working for Tourisme Quebec!

Maybe I'm starting to get a bit home sick and speaking to other people helps me remind me that I'm not too far from home.