Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 1: Hong Kong - The adventure begins

After over 7 years, I am returning to Asia, but this time, I'm going there alone. After the usual 20+ hour long flight, walking through a maze called HKG and having the shuttle bus drop you off at a corner where the hotel is nowhere to be seen, I have arrived in one piece! I'm hoping jet lag won't kill me tomorrow. I have already ventured around my hotel (which is conveniently located a block away from the Temple Street night market) and went on a hunt for street food, mostly something easy to eat (read snacks) and also to scout the area and see what there is to offer around here.

Between the overwhelming feeling of what seems like an infinite amount of stalls selling knock off tshirts, random accessories and cell phones and tourists, I found a few places which sells meat on a stick. With my incredibly limited cantonese, I pointed to squid and this thing that looks like sausage and said one of each. Quite interesting, the squid is not really my cup of tea though, boiling it isn't hitting the spot, probably grilling. It's amazing how there are so many tables outside taking over the corner of the street. One thing for sure, I'll check out those restaurants.

Speaking of food, I just have to comment that Delta Airline has one of the worst food I've ever had on a plane. My flight from Montreal to London on AIR CANADA was better. Note to self: when they offer a CHINESE and a WESTERN menu, stick to WESTERN. The chinese one was just a plain insult to the cuisine

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