I did it. I mustered the courage to quit my job, leave all my friends, coworkers and family behind, pack up my bags and leave for Australia, the furthest point on Earth from home. Although I'm happy and proud of myself for undertaking a courageous move, deep down I'm terrified. For the past few years, I've been having doubts and second guessing my decision. "
Am I doing the right thing? Are you sure this is the right thing to do? Will you find a job or burn through your savings and come back home broke?" I kept saying to myself. My mom's worries and ridiculous worst case scenarios intensified the butterflies and knots in the stomach. Thankfully, I being born as a Taurus (100%, no more cusp sign); I have a stubborn personality, which is my greatest strength and weakness at the same time. I want to prove to myself that I can live on my own, without a safety net. A former manager once told me that until I move out from my parents place and learn hardship, I will never grow in my career. As much of an narcissist he was, he was right.
Now here I am, at the airport, sipping on my last canadian latte ready to embark on this journey and start a new chapter of my life. Will it be hard? I hope it will. Will I grow and learn from this experience? You betcha!
“Live every day as if it were your last, because one of these days, it will be.” - Jeremy Schwartz
I intend on doing this every single day.